Miracle Missions Clean and Green: World Environment Day Poem by Chiedza Nzembe
My cries are silent in your ears
But loud in your hearts and your eyes.
You and I are both suffocating from lack of care and value upon what we share
There are 7 million premature deaths every year because of pollution.
216 million elephants worth of food waste each year yet others are suffering and dying from famine.
A wise man once said “if the wars of this century were fought over oil, the wars of the next century will be fought over water.”
Who knows what else?
Can you envision bringing children into such conditions?
Listen to me, hear this voice loud and clearly
When every individual, every second chooses not to be responsible for their action, it only takes climate change a step further.
What happened in our nation with Cyclone Idai is only just a beginning of the consequences.
You must change!
The change is not that difficult, trust me.
It’s thinking twice before you act.
Pausing and thinking, “Mm, what are the implications of what I am about to do?”
“Is there a better way to do it?”
“How can I as an individual invest into my planet?”
Between you and me, there is no other, we need one another
Take good care of the air you breathe, rivers, trees, the poor and be good custodians of what you have.
Always remember to leave something better than you found it.
About Miracle Missions
Miracle Missions Trust is a non-profit organisation whose primary function is Nation Building. They identify critical community needs in vulnerable communities and then identify people, organisations and resources capable of meeting that need. Through networking and relationships, Miracle Missions Trust identify who does what best, connect these people and organisations, and then co-ordinate all efforts to meet the need.
Believing that the key to the future lies in moving away from donor dependency and towards self-empowerment, they have adopted a smart-aid approach. This has allowed them to use their network of contacts to accurately identify genuine community needs and community-based projects, which have longevity potential. By assessing operating barriers, communication mechanisms and feedback processes, within and between communities, they work with skilled partners to provide Emergency and Developmental Relief.
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