With the increasing exploitation of the natural resources of our planet, the recycling of “e-scrap is important for future generations. E-scrap includes any discarded, non-functional or obsolete electronic storage devices including printers, scanners, fax machines, mobile (cell) phones, televisons sets and screens, computer monitors and key boards, central processing units, external hard drives, server equipment, lap top computers, MP3 players, digital and video cameras, tablets, uninterrupted power supply units, cables and chargers as well as medical and military electronic equipment and some white goods.
The Enviroserve Group has the capability to responsibly dispose of e-scrap and therefore makes an important contribution to environmental protection. Enviroserve Central Africa has representative offices in Zimbabwe, Rwanda and Zambia with a head office (Enviroserve Services LLC (Enviroserve Dubai) based in Dubai, United Arab Emirates (“UAE”).
Enviroserve Dubai is the largest e-scrap destruction and recycling specialist in the UAE and provides the closest integrated e-scrap recyling facility to Central Africa. It was established in 2006, and has recycled more than 2 million units of electronic material to date.
The dangers of untreated e-scrap:
On average, electronic equipment contains over 40 different materials including many hazardous ones (e.g. lead, mercury and (airborne) cadmium and beryllium). If the e-scrap is not properly processed or dumped in to land fills, as is currently the case in Central Africa, the toxic materials eventually permeate the air and leach into ground water systems, which may result in adverse health issues in the local population, affecting the heart, liver, kidneys and lungs (inter alia).
The collection and segregation process at Enviroserve Central Africa:
Enviroserve Central Africa accepts delivery of e-scrap to its EMA licensed factory in Msasa, Harare or alternatively organizes collection from the client’s premises. In time, special e-scrap collection points will be established in specially marked green bins in secure public areas such as supermarkets, post offices and petrol stations. At the Enviroserve factory in Harare, Zimbabwe the e-scrap is segregated and sorted into the various entities of whole units as well as plastic, metal and circuit boards which contain the toxic and other materials – the plastic, glass and circuit boards are shipped to Enviroserve in Dubai for re-cycling whilst the scrap metal is re-used locally. Data wiping and destruction services are also available on request.
An internationally recognized Enviroserve Green Certificate available – this acknowledges that the identified e-scrap has been recycled at an integrated facility that is ISO 9001, 14001 and 18001 certified and part of the UN Global Compact and Carbon Disclosure Project.
The advantages of responsibly disposing of e-scrap via Enviroserve:
- Environmentally friendly compliant solution to the disposal of e-scrap at minimal or no cost.
- Internationally recognised re-cycling certification for Safety, Health and Environmental compliancy purposes.
- Frees up client storage space.
- Possible release of value from obsolete electronic stock.
For more information of the services provided by Enviroserve Central Africa, please contact us in Harare, Zimbabwe on: and +263 772 237 616 and + 263 772 570 223